Thursday, September 27, 2007

I actually have tremendous respect for cops

First, I have to say. I think being a cop is an incredibly hard job. I wouldn't want to be one for anything. Mostly because I'm sure I'd be this kind of cop. I couldn't keep my cool while dealing with the endless supply of idiots in the world.
However, I have to side with this young man. The encounters he has taped are at the very least entertaining. But think about how he is having his rights violated. In both these situations the cops are letting their emotions come into play. Luckily neither situation involved a weapon or became physical. I wonder what would have happened if there was no camera? Scary.

Article and video #1

Article and video #2

These are 2 seperate incidents with the same driver and appear completely unrelated.

I seriously hope that my son doesn't have to ever deal with this kind of cop.

I have had 3 experiences with cops that I feel I was unfairly dealt with. I've had several when I deserved everything I got and probably deserved a LOT worse. In general I've found cops to be professional, helpful, and willing to cut you a break when you have committed a crime and you cooperate with them. My problems were always when I hadn't done anything and had nothing in my car illegal. I think they actually get frustrated when there is nothing they can ticket you with or charge you with. I would love to get some comments on this one.

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