Saturday, December 13, 2008

Things we could do with all the bailout money

1. Eradicate homelessness in America and buy a $857,000 home for every homeless American. $3 trillion/3500000=$857,000. BUY A MANSION FOR EVERY HOMELESS PERSON.
2. Poverty in America could be eliminated for years. In 2007, there were 37.3 million people in poverty which ends up being about $80,000 per person if the 3 trillion were distributed evenly. According to the Census Bureau, poverty for a family of one is about $11,000. Assuming every person is a family of one, we would eliminate all poverty in the US for about SEVEN YEARS. NO POVERTY IN AMERICA FOR SEVEN YEARS!
3. Make every person in the state of North Dakota a MULTI millionaire (and I vote that I would get an extra few million for coming up with the idea)
4. Buy 446 McDonalds double cheeseburgers off of the $1 menu for every single 6,725,792,474 humans on this planet. BUY MORE THAN 1 CHEESEBURGER EVERY DAY FOR EVERY PERSON FOR A YEAR
5. Pay off about all credit card debt in the US, UK and Australia. PAY ALMOST ALL CREDIT CARD DEBT
6. Find a cure for whatever George Bush has.

Plus 20 more here

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