Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Look at the Jiggle

Great ad. I remember these cars well. My Dad had a dark gray model, thankfully he opted for the gray interior versus the red slaughter house interior.

Make sure you watch the video to the end. From the good folks over at Jalopnik

I'd wear this

Find out more about this design: Bad Chewie T-Shirt

NEVER touch the toilet on a train

A passenger on a French train had to be rescued by firemen after having his arm sucked down the on-board toilet.

link here

Sunday, October 26, 2008

St. Louis Fire truck BIG Wreck!

This is why I love St. Louis. Notice the guy hanging on the corner take off as the carnage unfolds.

Found at Jalopnik

Here it is

Hilarious car ad of little turd racing a train

From the folks at Jalopnik

Check this out

Maybe we should follow

A way to create thousands of jobs, lower energy dependence, and lower greenhouse gases. Will we ever see the light. Probably not.

China to invest $445bn in rail system